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L.I.T. welcomes 44 new young talents

Start of the new training year at our headquarters in Brake

43 trainees have started their careers in logistics at the L.I.T. Group. This year, a dual student is also starting the “Business in Practice” degree programme. Our Executive Board personally welcomed the new recruits. The new training year consists of four professional drivers, three warehouse specialists, seven warehouse logistics specialists, five office management clerks, 20 forwarding and logistics clerks and two IT specialists each for application development and system integration. The prospective specialists spent the two-day introductory event at our headquarters in Brake to gain an insight into the company. They then start work at one of the twelve of a total of 20 training centres.

“Our mission is to inspire young people for logistics and our group of companies. We have achieved this once again this year: with a total of 43 new trainees and one dual student. We are delighted that our training concept has been so well received by the young talents and that we can continue to grow together with them”, says Astrid Jonat, Head of Training at L.I.T. AG. We currently employ a total of 105 trainees at 20 locations. In order to convince potential new recruits of the benefits of a career with us, Jonat and her training team are increasingly present at training fairs and careers orientation days in schools. “This allows us to engage in personal dialogue and give them first-hand information about the opportunities and benefits at L.I.T. as a modern training company”, says Jonat.

After the trainees had been welcomed by Board members Fokke Fels, Julian Lachnitt and Ingo Schreiber and the training team on their first day, they were given a tour of the Brake headquarters. They not only learnt about individual departments, but also came into direct contact with the other trainee cohorts, who were able to show them around the L.I.T. trainee truck, for example. The programme included a photo shoot and lunch together. On the second day, the new recruits attended basic training courses such as IT and telephone training as well as seminars on quality management. To ensure successful onboarding, the young talents are given training mentors who are on hand to provide advice and support over the next few months.

Interested parties still have the opportunity to apply for an apprenticeship at L.I.T. this year. Among other things, there are still vacant training positions for freight forwarding and logistics services clerks and warehouse logistics specialists. We would like to continue our growth course for the next training year. A total of 50 young talents will then be recruited. In addition to the new training programme to become a personnel services management assistant, a dual study programme is once again available at the NSB Nordic Sky Business School in Brake. Applications for 2024 are now open.



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